Tuesday, January 31, 2006

I hate little girl's toys. That is not to say i'm sexist or anything, but I have to draw the line somewhere. Sure, they were cute at first, but now children are learning to be stupid, mean, slutty bimbos! It sickens me to think that big corporations are using their disgusting supply of smut to create a horrible generation. Case in point: On this episode of south park, Paris hilton came to town, and everybody freaked. When the child Wendy asked what she did, the other little girls responded with phrases like: "She's a mean spoiled brat" and "She has sex with lots of guys and tapes it". Anyway, on the show, she relaeased a toy called the "stupid spoiled whore video playset" And that's why i'm PO'd. The Barbie line of products releases a different camera toy every couple of years. Hmmm.... Also, the Bratz line gets my blood boiling. I was watching "The soup" on E and they had a quick spotlight on the Bratz TV show. After showing a clip, the host said "I have seen the future, and penicilen (that spelled right?) will be expensive" AAAAAARRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!! Bottom line: What will the next generation of women act like? Probably like stupid spoiled whores.


The Zombieslayer said...


I can't stand Bratz either. Always nice to know that they finally make a popular minority girl toy and she's a slut.

As for Paris Hilton, she won't be allowed in the anti-zombie compound? Why? Well, not necessarily because she's a slut, but because she'll do something dumb to get us all killed, like leave the gates open and when we wake up in the morning, zombies will be swarming everywhere within the compound.

S.M. Elliott said...

Demi's Diva Starz dolls drove us nuts. They say things like "cute-o-rama" and "let's do lunch."

tshsmom said...

Shadow could take care of the ferret. She went after a fisher last weekend. ;)

S.M. Elliott said...

Way to go, Shadow! Maybe she can take care of the Diva Starz while she's at it.
What really freaks me out about the Bratz dolls is that they don't have any feet - you pop their shoes off and suddenly their legs end in stumps. Demi comes for Christmas with her Bratz entourage, and suddenly there are all these big-headed dolls without FEET lying around everywhere. Very disturbing. I think the message to little girls is, "If you don't have cute shoes, feet are worthless." Barbie at least had feet, even if they were horribly deformed.

tshsmom said...

Barbie's message is: tiny feet are good (and feminine).

The Zombieslayer said...

Tshsmom - My wife has size 9's (in men's, I think that's 11 in women's).

tshsmom said...

ZS, that's 10 in womens.
She's only 1 size bigger than I am.
You'll notice that Barbie always comes with a stand. That's because her tiny feet won't support her boobs. ;)

S.M. Elliott said...

Look up the MTV2 cartoon show "Wonder Showzen" and see if you can find the clip called "Finger Force"...talk about twisted girl toys! This is probably how the Bratz behave when no one's looking. :D

Sagepaper said...

I'm way behind the curve on pop culture, and don't know anything about any characters named here, except for Barbie. I'm glad you aren't sexist about toys, Z. I got kicked out of pre-school, and sexism about toys was one factor. The girls' toys were stupid, and at that time I was cornering the market on Tonka Toys. During playtime, girls went to one playroom, and boys went to another. I kept getting caught in the boys' room where they had all the cool toys. After getting in trouble a few times, my friend Kirk started smuggling boy-toys to me.