Tuesday, January 16, 2007


I'd like to take this time to speak out against "Voodoo Feminism" as I believe this is the only term for it. Take this excerpte from the Wikipedia page under "Feminism":

"Modern feminist political activists commonly campaign on issues such as reproductive rights, including the right to safe, legal abortion, access to contraception and quality prenatal care, protection from violence within a domestic partnership, sexual harassment, street harassment, discrimination and rape, and rights to maternity leave, and equal pay. Many feminists today argue that feminism is a grass-roots movement that seeks to cross boundaries based on social class, race, culture and religion. They also argue that an effective feminist movement should be culturally specific and address issues relevant to the women of the society in question such as female genital cutting in Africa and the Middle East and the "glass ceiling" issue in developed economies. They also debate the extent to which certain societal issues such as rape, incest and mothering are universal. Themes explored in feminism include patriarchy, stereotyping, sexual objectification and oppression."

Ok, so you get raped and everyone has to pay? Heehee! Sorry. But seriously, it gets worse:

"English-speaking feminists are often proponents of what they consider to be non-sexist language, using "Ms." to refer to both married and unmarried women, or "he or she" (or other gender-neutral pronouns) in place of "he" where the gender is unknown. Feminists are also often proponents of using gender-inclusive language, such as "humanity" instead of "mankind". Feminists in most cases advance their desired use of language either in the interest of equal and respectful treatment of women or in order to affect the tone of political discourse. These feminists argue that language directly affects perception of reality (compare Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis), and move to change language which may be viewed as imbued with sexism, for example the case in the English language in which the word for the general pronoun is "he" or "his" (The child should have his paper and pencils), which is the same as the masculine pronoun (The boy and his truck)."

So if you don't speak english, you're a F*cking sexist pig and should burn in the intense fires of hell!

You'll notice how none of this is about equal rights. Feminists want higher pay in the workplace. Fine! But don't say you want equal pay, and then complain! That's not fair! You're simply punishing men for your great-grandfather smacking your mother's ass, or some damn thing! Let it go! The sexual revolution is over. YOU WON! When you win, you don't expect more than the prize allotted, so why are you still fighting? Is it because you want more?

I don't care what any of you say, because Feminism isn't about a woman's right to kill an unborn child, or a woman's choice of religion, it's all about power and money.

So if you son't believe me, fine. Stone me, burn me at a stake, flame me. I don't care. I stand up for what I think is right, and this is so insanely wrong, I can't take it. "My father was a pig, so I want the full right to shove a telephone pole up each and every man's ass." And what do all the pussies of the world do? THEY LET THEM DO IT!!! WHY?!?!?!? Because you're afraid she'll sue you you for sexual descrimination? Who Cares!? You people disgust me, and may god have mercy on your soul when the day dawns that you shall pass.

Readers: Thank you!

Pussies: You suck for letting women go to far and ruin love, sex, and freedom forever. Fuck you.

Feminists: Stop whining that men make only as much as you, maybe not speak english, and possibly even discriminate against you, and be thankful that your elders were nice enough to make this world more accomidating for you. 'Cause it's a sick time when I can't even tell a woman she looks nice or that I want to go out with her without her getting all extremist on me because I'm a sexist. Thank you very much for ruining what was left of freedom and the beauty of love, forever. My middle finger has a special place in my heart for you.

I've had it!

I Watched a video on YouTube today, where a guy claims that YouTube will change the world, and make everyone closer. I looked at the comments, and big surprise, I found a tidal-wave of foul language blasting this poor, intellegent guy. "this guys a fagot" Ok, first, learn how to spell "Faggot" you dumbass. Second, you're only saying that because you don't understand what he's talking about. Probably too many big words...

So, I have decided to attack internet stupidity. Not by flaming, that's letting them off too easy. I shall get people joined in this fight, and perhaps "reclaim" the net somehow. Wish me luck.