Friday, March 17, 2006

Mystical burrito man, do the puppets with the CIA

Woah, with all this wiretapping nonsense, me and my friend have laugin' our butts off! We had a long conversation over the phone yesterday about what it would be like if a guy from the CIA Was listening in to our conversations. We do not have normal senses of humor, but oh well. Anyway it starts with him laughing at our conversations. Then he was supposed to make a DVD of the conversations and set it to puppets (I liked the idea...) So then we started talking about Mexico, and he did a surfer dude impression and said: "Dude, when I like, got to Mexico, i'm going to get a burrito so I can talk to the locals" And I thought: "WTF! He's going to use a burrito as a translater?" So we examined what it would be like if the UN used food as translation devices. We the thought about the wiretapping man, and what he was doing. He was probably a burrito in disguise! So we asked the mystical burrito man if he could do something with the media, such as stop the stuff we don't like in it. So that filled up about 2 hours. So remember, next time you call someone on the phone, use your burrito and put the puppets down. *gasp* HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAH


S.M. Elliott said...

You guys are straaange! :D

S.M. Elliott said...

I wonder which food would translate in Canada? Syrup? Poutine? Beer?

tshsmom said...

Yes they ARE strange!
What's poutine?

S.M. Elliott said...

Poutine: Fries smothered with cheese curds and gravy. Or: Fatty fat smothered with fat and more fat! Naturally, it's delicious.

tshsmom said...

MY GOD, what do you have against those poor cheese curds? You KNOW my opinion of fries and gravy!

S.M. Elliott said...

Yeah, it's pretty vile when you think about it. Even worse, some people add ketchup! :O

tshsmom said...


ZC said...


greatwhitebear said...

Z - you are warped. I LOVE it!

sme - take off! of course beer. Poutine makes you too groggy to do anything that involves thought. Or moving. In Sault Ste. Marie, I once had pasties with poutine on the side. I couldn't move for a week. Come to think of it, I had my angioplasty not long after that!