Tuesday, January 16, 2007


I'd like to take this time to speak out against "Voodoo Feminism" as I believe this is the only term for it. Take this excerpte from the Wikipedia page under "Feminism":

"Modern feminist political activists commonly campaign on issues such as reproductive rights, including the right to safe, legal abortion, access to contraception and quality prenatal care, protection from violence within a domestic partnership, sexual harassment, street harassment, discrimination and rape, and rights to maternity leave, and equal pay. Many feminists today argue that feminism is a grass-roots movement that seeks to cross boundaries based on social class, race, culture and religion. They also argue that an effective feminist movement should be culturally specific and address issues relevant to the women of the society in question such as female genital cutting in Africa and the Middle East and the "glass ceiling" issue in developed economies. They also debate the extent to which certain societal issues such as rape, incest and mothering are universal. Themes explored in feminism include patriarchy, stereotyping, sexual objectification and oppression."

Ok, so you get raped and everyone has to pay? Heehee! Sorry. But seriously, it gets worse:

"English-speaking feminists are often proponents of what they consider to be non-sexist language, using "Ms." to refer to both married and unmarried women, or "he or she" (or other gender-neutral pronouns) in place of "he" where the gender is unknown. Feminists are also often proponents of using gender-inclusive language, such as "humanity" instead of "mankind". Feminists in most cases advance their desired use of language either in the interest of equal and respectful treatment of women or in order to affect the tone of political discourse. These feminists argue that language directly affects perception of reality (compare Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis), and move to change language which may be viewed as imbued with sexism, for example the case in the English language in which the word for the general pronoun is "he" or "his" (The child should have his paper and pencils), which is the same as the masculine pronoun (The boy and his truck)."

So if you don't speak english, you're a F*cking sexist pig and should burn in the intense fires of hell!

You'll notice how none of this is about equal rights. Feminists want higher pay in the workplace. Fine! But don't say you want equal pay, and then complain! That's not fair! You're simply punishing men for your great-grandfather smacking your mother's ass, or some damn thing! Let it go! The sexual revolution is over. YOU WON! When you win, you don't expect more than the prize allotted, so why are you still fighting? Is it because you want more?

I don't care what any of you say, because Feminism isn't about a woman's right to kill an unborn child, or a woman's choice of religion, it's all about power and money.

So if you son't believe me, fine. Stone me, burn me at a stake, flame me. I don't care. I stand up for what I think is right, and this is so insanely wrong, I can't take it. "My father was a pig, so I want the full right to shove a telephone pole up each and every man's ass." And what do all the pussies of the world do? THEY LET THEM DO IT!!! WHY?!?!?!? Because you're afraid she'll sue you you for sexual descrimination? Who Cares!? You people disgust me, and may god have mercy on your soul when the day dawns that you shall pass.

Readers: Thank you!

Pussies: You suck for letting women go to far and ruin love, sex, and freedom forever. Fuck you.

Feminists: Stop whining that men make only as much as you, maybe not speak english, and possibly even discriminate against you, and be thankful that your elders were nice enough to make this world more accomidating for you. 'Cause it's a sick time when I can't even tell a woman she looks nice or that I want to go out with her without her getting all extremist on me because I'm a sexist. Thank you very much for ruining what was left of freedom and the beauty of love, forever. My middle finger has a special place in my heart for you.


tweetey30 said...

Z you are so right here. I do agree with you. So many good points. I think women should be able to have prenatal care, and so forth on the lines of humanity. You did a good job here young man. LOL.... Very nice post Z. Well I suppose I shall be going. Have a great day and we will talk more later on ok.

tshsmom said...

There's WAY more to it than this, my son. You need to read some of the studies that Laura has posted.

And watch your mouth!

S.M. Elliott said...

Heehee. Well, I gotta agree there's a lot of "voodoo feminism" and time-wasting out there, like the girl who insisted on campaigning against the college's use of a Voyageur as a mascot because it was too "gender-specific", or the people who supposedly wanted manhole covers to become "personhole covers" because not ALL folks who work in the sewer are male. And I do think feminism in the West has done its job, thank you very much, and needs to step aside so other social movements can take ascendency. BUT, in other - less advanced - parts of the world (and I won't name any names *cough* Middle East and Africa *cough*) feminism seriously needs to emerge and get some work done. Not to prove women are somehow better or more entitled than men, but to get rid of some of the more archaic practices like stoning women (but rarely men) for adultery, slicing off largish sections of anatomy as punishment and/or for marriage purposes, and disallowing women to drive, vote, or generally do the things every adult human being on the planet should be allowed to do by now.
The thing I dislike most about Western feminism, next to the insanely intense focus on "reproductive rights", is that many feminists like to think they're spokesmen (sorry, spokespeople) for all women whether we want them to be or not. It's like Pat Robertson being the spokesman for all Christians; it's just not right. I'LL decide who my spokespeople will be and which causes I will support - you're not gonna speak for me just 'cause you're overeducated and have a chip on your shoulder that you expect me to share! Also, it seems to me the bulk of feminists are great at writing position papers and living in a theoretical universe, but concrete and proactive solutions are few and far between. (Yes, changing language a little bit makes people FEEL more enlightened, but does it change hearts and minds? Yes, we all know that violence against women is wrong, but what are you gonna DO about it? Etc.) OK, rant over.

tweetey30 said...

I agree with you both but there so many places out there they women arent allowed to talk, walk and other things like we are here in the United States. Also I didnt see it the first time watch you mouth young man. LOL...

I mean some women arent allowed to go out of there homes because of the way there society is but I wont get into that here.

Sme that was agreat comment. Interesting. Do you always rant and rave at your little brother. LOL... Well I suppose. I need to finish a few things up since we got back late last night. I will catch you all later ok. N.

Laura said...

Actually Z, you're buying in to the popular myth that feminism is about man-hating. Only a very small minority of feminists are of the "men are the source of oppression" camp. Most feminists nowadays fight for equal rights regardless of gender (and many question the binary division of gender in and of itself). Most feminist movements openly invite and include men as well.

You're right that feminism is about power. Power to have self-determination, power to re-define and re-value what is understood as "feminine." Sexuality IS power in our culture. Masculine values and traits are valued over Feminine ones (though I would argue that no trait is naturally one or the other).

If you go back to the Wikipedia page on Feminism, you'll notice all the different subheadings. Socialist Feminism, Post-structural feminism, liberal feminism, radical feminism - it goes on and on. Read a few of those. And also, try reading a few of the posts I put up last year. You'll see that there is much more to it than this. I'd hate to see you wind up like Rush Limbaugh. Try to keep an open mind and learn a little more about it before you draw such drastic conclusions.

On Feminism

Liberal Feminism

Radical Feminism

Also, if you're really feeling ambitious, pick up Iris Young's book Justice and the Politics of Difference for a totally different spin on the issue.

Marxists (Socialist) Feminism

Post Structural Feminism

ZC said...


But seriously, I guess I view things differently as an oppressed MAN. This may sound odd, but as a social outcast, I have not had good expirences (I think I spelled that wrong) with women. I think I am viewed as a freak to girls my age (which I kind of attribute to my tics, and partially to my "weirdness') and it has affected my self-esteem. So yes, I am a little bitter, but i can't help it.

I mostly feel that society has ruined much of my future "You can't do that" "I can't stand you" "You're a weirdo" I sort of feel I was born into the wrong generation. I want a chance to get to know someone who likes me for who I am. I've really found a calling within the computer comunnity, but I can't find anyone.

Which leads me to my next point: Women in the comp. industry. The same rules apply: The only reason there are no women in the industry is because no one thinks there are. So when you find someone who is, you are excited to find a member of the oppisite sex who shares your passion. But again "you don't care about my skills, you only care about my body"

My beef is, many people think that you can only like a few things about someone. "I like your mind and body, but dislike your love of cats" This is an incorrect statement. All or nothing. Yeah right. There is no such thing as perfection, but there is close enough.

I dunno, maybe i'm biased. I've become sort of a woman hater because of the constant negative attention I get (or rather, got).

Everyone is lonely. That is why we don't let anyone in. No one helps. No one heals. This is why world peace shall never be achieved.

The human stain: The inablity of humans to admit they were wrong.

Laura said...

Z said: "I dunno, maybe i'm biased. I've become sort of a woman hater because of the constant negative attention I get (or rather, got)."

I don't think that's weird at all. In fact I agree with you that you are in an oppressed minority group (as would most 3rd wave feminists believe it or not). Just because you're a white male doesn't mean you're automatically empowered - there's a lot more to it than race and gender (that's what a lot of people fail to see). Class, sexuality, ability/disability status, nationality, religion - all these things intersect. The way most feminist (and other activist groups) see things, our social system is set up to privilege certain groups of people. The most privileged group is white, upper class, christian, non-disabled, heterosexual men.

I used to see the world like that too, I was always on the defensive because of the way I was treated in school. You'll learn that not everyone is as cruel as they are when they're children. Just don't let your defensiveness get in the way of maybe meeting someone who will like you for who you are.

S.M. Elliott said...

Well, I know what ya mean about negative experiences, Z. It would have been easy for me to hate men after Mark, but I had to force myself to realize that there ARE good men in my life, like Dad and Grandpa and of course Richard. And you have some great women in your life, like Mom and *ahem* your sister! Just remember that everybody is somebody's daughter, somebody's sister. But stay away from the nasty chicks or the ones who are overly critical of you - more trouble than they're worth! I have no doubts that as a smart guy, you'll have no trouble with women later in life. We love smart, funny guys. I mean, even Gates has a lady, and he's the biggest dork who ever lived. ;)

The Zombieslayer said...

Z - Good news. When you get older, your brains will be rewarded. You'll be rewarded by better paying jobs and also by good women.

You have a good mind. Girls your age won't recognize it, but women will, especially the best women of all.

ZC said...

Well, good to know! Thanks guys!