Saturday, June 23, 2007

Go gays!

Ok so it's gay pride weekend, and I couldn't be more pissed. I have nothing against homosexuality, in fact I'm a strong supporter of it, but this is my line. There is no such thing as straight pride weekend, so they don't deserve this bizarre treatment. The thing is people should fight as hard as they can for their culture. But they don't have a culture. They have sex with people of their own gender. This is not a culture, it is a lifestyle.

All I'm saying is, you don't need a weekend to march. March when you have to, and call it a day. Did they take away your right to marry? March. Did they try to smash up your homes? March! But you shouldn't have your own sort of bizarre culture where people must wear certain clothes, or talk in a thertain way. That's almost fascism. But then again, it is a good idea to set aside a day or two for your rights but this is out of hand. I saw a picture of a group of lesbians carrying a sign with some sort of title on it, with the anarchy symbol inset. What? What sort of statement are you trying to make? "We're here! We're queer! We're gonna riot in the streets and overturn all power so that we may rule the world!"

I think turning the gay lifestyle into a culture is only worsening things for them. It's becoming more of a cult than a sexual thing. I don't get it, I guess.


S.M. Elliott said...

I think a lot of folks feel this way. Pride is great, but marching in the street in stilletos and boas (or, for the girls, boots and leather)? What does that prove, exactly? And what does anarchy have to do with anything?

The Zombieslayer said...

Hey, I'm all for gays. When I was your age, I wished all the guys that the babes liked were gay. Then the few straight guys that were left would have the upper hand with the babes instead of them having all the power, and the babes wouldn't take us for granted. Or at least, that's how I saw things when I was your age. (I still think that but don't tell anyone).

As for anarchists, they're about the last people who would survive a zombie plague. They don't know how to hunt or fish. They're bitter, and they have no useable skills other than complaining. I just don't see how having green hair, a punk attitude, and a bone through one's nose accomplishes anything useful.

tshsmom said...

LMAO ZS!! That's pretty much his slant on the gay/babe thing.

United We Lay said...

No one needs to bring attantion to the number of straight people there are. Gay Pride day is not really about being proud of being gay. It's really about a show of political power and alerting the country to the presence of homesexuals. If your rights are being violated (can't marry whom you choose, can't serve in the military, can't have custody of you're partner's kids if you partner dies, can't be in your partner's hospital room if there's an emergency) and a majority of Americans think you're going to hell because of who you love (some of you have been beaten, even killed because of it), I think it's pretty fair to say, "I'm here, and I'm not afraid of you."