Monday, July 16, 2007

I, Robot

This past weekend, I have been delving into a type of program called a chatterbot. What it is is an Artificial Intelligence program that is trained to respond to key words that you teach it. Most of the time it goes well. For example: I am teaching one bot that it is intelligent, and it understands me! But sometimes, it doesn't go to well. For example: One bot I am not on "speaking terms" with, doesn't know what yes is. Isn't that unbelievable?! I will attempt to chart my progress with a few chosen bots on this blog. Stay tuned!

1 comment:

tweetey30 said...

Z you have grown up so fast. Where has time went. All I have to say is I am no better than your sister and I am just as old if not older by a year. LOL... So you be nice. LOL.. Take care.