Sunday, February 10, 2008

Scientology petitions

Quick post, just want to put some petitions here, so they get signed. PLEASE SIGN!

Petition to make the CoS a cult.
Petition to disband the CoS.


S.M. Elliott said...

That McPherson thing creeps me out, too. Not as much as Tom Cruise does, but still...

ZC said...

Did you see the video that the CoS had banned? The one with Cruise? The car-crash thing proves that the man is not good with metaphors. :P

S.M. Elliott said...

Yeah, I saw it, unfortunately. I don't know who's stupider, Tom Cruise for being a Scientologist, or Scientologists for letting Tom Cruise remain a Scientologist...

The Zombieslayer said...

I do think Scientology is a cult and cults are bad, but everyone has the Right to be an idiot, so I'd sign the first one, but not the 2nd one.

Scientologists are whacked. When one approaches you, just smile and back away slowly. Don't make any sudden movements. It's best if you can fake a strong accent and say "Sorry, I no speak English."

S.M. Elliott said...

Dude, what is IN that lava lamp? Cat poop?

S.M. Elliott said...

Holy crap holy crap holy crap!! You gotta look at this:

I don't know if it's legit or not, but if it is - he is sooo BUSTED!

Laura said...

Just to play devil's advocate here: Is Scientology any different from any other religious movement where total submission to the faith is encouraged? Oh, say, the snake-handling, speaking in tongues freakazoids? I mean, saying you believe all life started from an alien species and you need to do xyz to be "saved" is no different in my book that saying all life began with an invisible man in the sky and there's a list of 10 things he doesn't want you to do.