Saturday, March 29, 2008

Quick review: V for Vendetta (The movie)

I verily enjoyed this vigorous romp through the film V for Vendetta. I very much felt the movie was vatic of the uncertain times that we, as the vulgus, should take as food for thought. "V" (a contemporary vision of Guy Fawkes, the man who was volensed to the Gunpowder Plot) is a character with a voracious appetite for violent overthrow of a totalitarian regime vendicating England for the purpose of vastiditly collecting sums of currency. Along the way, he velociously dispatches a volley of foes, and falls in love with a young woman who yearns for more than she is experiencing in her life. (DAMMIT! I messed up, hardly any V words there.)

Bottom line: Good action movie which touches on some rather "shady" political ideals.

I apologize for the voluble verbigeration of V words in this review, but I am...a smartass.


ZC said...

I sincerely apologize if I messed up any of these words or confused anyone, but I just HAD to make this joke. :P

tshsmom said...

What a voluminous volume of verbosity! ;)
I KNEW you'd love the movie. Maybe we'll have to buy it?

ZC said...

THAT, and I have to read the graphic novel, too. That's just the level of geekiness I'm at. :P

tshsmom said...

I LOVE my geek!

S.M. Elliott said...

Hmm, doesn't sound too bad. Here I was thinking it would be a veritable revelry of vigilante violence.