Monday, December 17, 2007


Finished Lurker at the Treshhold. It's about like the other Mythos: Strange and slow-paced, up until the last few pages. But it was good enough.

Trying to make it through A Brief History of Time, but I refuse to understand "curved space" for some reason.

Also tackling Free culture, which I read when I can't comprehend Brief History.

Saw the last Pirates of the Caribbean. Depressing ending.

I feel almost superior to other kids my age. They're too stupid. I suddenly know what it's like to be a Thoughtcriminal...

mm, what else? I can't think of anything, so I'll wish everybody a Merry Christmas! Or whatever you happen to celebrate, but I'm not going to take the PC route and post it here.


tshsmom said...

Dad was OK with the end of Pirates. I agree with you; depressing. Poor Will. :(

Unknown said...

I agree with both of you, I was so disappointed in the ending.

Z, I just can't wrap my brain around curved space. I also can't wrap my brain around there being an end to the universe.

S.M. Elliott said...

Now I don't want to see the Pirates movies...

ZC said...

Well, the end of the universe (both in the terms of a finite universe and the universe being destroyed at some point) is only a theory, really, so I don't worry about it. :P

Besides, it's supposed to swing back around and become a true universe again AFTER it's destroyed. :P

Hey, it was a little sad, but it was still a good ending.

Unknown said...

It's frustrating to invest so much time and follow the series for three films, that the end was almost insulting. "Hey, thanks for spending your time and money on our movies, now eff-you." I know, I know... "They're just movies, Courtney."

I guess my problem with understanding the universe is that I can't separate the ideas of "universe" and "space" from each other.

tshsmom said...

Courtney, to ME, it would've made more sense to have Jack roaming the seas for 10 yrs at a time. Instead, poor Will gets the shaft after risking everything to save his father.

ZC said...

Meh, oh well. :P

tshsmom said...

Guess what Z?
It's CHRISTMAS today!
Thought I'd beat you to it. ;)