Saturday, December 01, 2007

Shut up, leave me alone, and WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?!

I have not had enough time to resume my studying (computers), because PEOPLE I DON'T EVEN KNOW ARE WASTING MY TIME! It's like I stepped into a REALLY bad season of Degrassi, and it must stop.

Also, maybe I like being an aspiring hacker, and don't want to go build a snow man, or have a snowball fight with myself. Call me strange, but that sounds rather unappealing.

Now, on to my winter reading list:

1. Free Culture: The Nature and Future of Creativity - Lawrence Lessig
2. A Brief History of Time - Steven Hawking
3. The Lurker at the Treshhold - August Derleth/ H.P Lovecraft
4. The Difference Engine - William Gibson and Bruce Sterling
5. Harry Potter and the Half-blood Prince

Of course, I know someone who would say "u sholdnt red so much, go ot n ply ur a kid". And people wonder why I have so little faith in humanity. Please try to encourage intellectualism and "book-learning", because we're doomed to continue on as savages if we go on this way.

On a brighter note, POKEMAN!


ZC said...

And now my headphones are broken. Abandon all hope. :P

tshsmom said...

DAMMIT, we just went to Kmart yesterday!

ZC said...

I know, right? This always happens when it shouldn't. :P

ZC said...

Does everybody like the "Ongoing list of things I hate"? :P

tshsmom said...

Except for the gay thing. :(

ZC said...

Fine, I'll remove it. But it's not a homophobic slur, for the record.

tshsmom said...

I know that, but nobody else does.

ZC said...


tshsmom said...

You can read Harry Potter while you're waiting for the other books to arrive. ;)