Saturday, March 25, 2006

Elmo Me Elmo

I don't have much explanation for this post so, without further ado: Elmo dolls we will see in the near future.

Crackhead Elmo: Sits in a dark room scratching itself and screams when exposed to light.
batteries avalible at the street corner

Bob Dylan Elmo: Comes with with removable guitar and non-removable sunglasses; mumbles uncontrollably.
Batteries mmblbml mblmbl mlbml

LAPD Elmo: Wears cute little police uniform and screams at black guys.
Batteries charged with assault and batteries

George W. Bush Elmo: Giggles without a clear exit strategy
I really thought there were batteries of mass destruction

Wiretap Elmo: Used for finding terrorists
Batteries unwarrented

More Elmo madness to come!


tshsmom said...

I think we should get your sister the Bob Dylan Elmo for Christmas. ;)

S.M. Elliott said...

Batteries charged with assault and batteries! HA! This is hilarious. I think Crackhead Elmo would be fun, but Wiretap Elmo might come in handy. For what, I don't know.

tshsmom said...

Bridg, he says that he has a Part 2 in mind.

Notta Wallflower said...

Nice blog, Z. My favorite is the president Elmo. I would be funny if it wasn't so true. :-/

Wandering Coyote said...

This is brilliant, Z!

Wiretap Elmo - that's classic. But do you think that may already be a reality??

ZC said...

Well he is a puppet...

Laura said...

Elmo is satan, I'm sure of it. They traded in Grover for a newer, younger model and left Grover in the gutter whoring himself for woolite. It's a cruel world...

S.M. Elliott said...

I couldn't stand Elmo till I saw the puppeteer. He is HOT! Here I thought he'd be some gorky little guy with a high voice and frizzy red hair...

tshsmom said...

"whoring for Woolite"
That's the funniest thing I've heard all week Laura!!
If I'm not mistaken, Elmo and Grover are related. How sad. ;)

S.M. Elliott said...

Elmo and Grover are related? Is there a Sesame Street family tree? Maybe Bert is the love child of Oscar and Big Bird. Wait, Big Bird's a guy...

greatwhitebear said...

"wears cute little uniform and screams at black guys"

I laughed so hard I scared the dog.

tshsmom said...

SME, that would explain why Bert is gay. ;)

S.M. Elliott said...

OMG, BERT'S GAY!?!? Heehee.